Welcome to Our Blog!

Hello you guys! this is 1 amal blog. in this blog, we will post about Our solar cooker project (PBL) i hope you enjoy it :)

Friday 6 July 2012

WallWisher :D


you can comment and write your opinion about solar cooker :)

the things that we learn from this project :D

i) Moral Values :

Ø Independent
Ø Responsible
Ø Peer Learning
ØTeam Work

21st Century Skills :

Ø Innovative
Ø ICT Skills
Ø Media Literacy
Ø Critical Thinking
Ø Problem Solving

how to build solar cooker?

Materials needed:

  • ·         Scissors
  • ·         Tape
  • ·         Box
  • ·         Black paper
  • ·         Aluminum foil
  • ·         Mirror
  • ·         Pot

Step 1
Prepare all the necessary items as show in the list above and design your solar cooker

Step 2

Cut the unnecessary part from the box that you will not need

Step 3
Wrap the outer layer of the solar cooker and the pot with a dark colour (black paper) and for the inside use a 
shiny surface (aluminum foil)

Step 4
Attach a mirror to reflect the sunlight for higher temperature result.

Step 5
Test your solar cooker

abstract and objective.

Abstract :

Mankind will continue to use energy, even if we all make a concerted to cut down on our consumption. So another important step to take if we want to save the environment is to find alternative ways to produce and use sustainable, clean energy. The buildings adorned with gleaming solar panels or wind farms covered in turbines that stand like sentinels in the breeze are example forms of “green” energy that can help reduce our reliance on energy derived from burning fossil fuels.

Objective :

To cook food in the process of using solar energy instead of electricity or fuel.

The colour selection.

§We’ve chose black for the outside of the box and the outside the container because black surface absorbs heat better than white surface.
§ We’ve selected aluminum foil for the inside of the box, the inside of the container and the reflector because shiny surface of the aluminum foil can reflect heat better than black surface.

The basic principles – C.A.R.E.S

ü C – Collect the heat.
ü A – Absorb the heat.
ü R – Retain the heat.
ü E – Ease and Efficiency.
ü S – Safety.

C: Collect the Heat :
  collect the sunlight using reflectors to reflect the sunlight to the center of the box. 
 Reflective surface materials include: aluminum, Mylar, aluminized Mylar of any thickness or chromium paint (Note: mirror like reflectors can lead to eye damage)

A: Absorb the Heat :

§The container is covered with black paper and black plastic to absorb the heat.

§ The container is elevated by a wire base allowing the bottom of the container to absorb more heat.

§ The box is also elevated by a wire base allowing the heat from the ground to reach the box.

R. Retain the Heat

üWe use the cling wrap because cling wrap doesn’t melt easily when heated.

ü Another material is the transparent High Density Polyethylene bags .

ü Prevent the HDPE bags from touching the containers as they may melt.

ü Avoid polyethylene because it melts too easily when heated.

E: Ease and Efficiency

Ease – simplicity of everyday use

oThe solar cooker don’t have to be turned to follow the sun.

Efficiency - how fast the cooker heats food

o The solar cooker uses reflector to reflect the sunlight to the center of the cooker to heat up the container.

Advantages and Disadvantages.

Disadvantages about solar Cooker :
ØThe solar cooker is non-water proof.
Ø It requires many cello-tape to set up the box.
Ø Claudy day. (no sunlight)

Advantages about solar cooker :
ü Not too heavy and easy to carry.
ü Made of materials that can be recycled.
ü Eco friendly.
ü Can easily purchase the items.

example of solar cooker. (video)

Solar Cooker Presure :D

how to make a parabolic Solar Cooker.

Our Design for solar cooker :D


we have many kind of design. but, the best design we have is parabolic.
you can get more info about this parabolic at: 


Thursday 5 July 2012

we work together as a team :D

This is our Sketch :)

we do the solar cooker together cause

The apparatus that we used :D

Aluminium Foil
- to reflect the light :) 



Scissor and Cutter. 
- to cut the box

and black paper. 
- to reflect the light

How the solar cooker work

The Sun provides us with a continuous source of energy that does cause pollution. Malaysia has the potential to use solar energy as an alternative source of energy because it is a tropical country that receive sunlight throughout the year. We will learn more about the uses of solar energy by carrying out the solar cooker project.